Monday, 4 May 2015

Featured Apple Watch Apps

Jawbone Up and Fitbit were the two (2) fitness applications that ruled the year 2014 and were close to 3.3 millions according to NDP. The Apple Watch which is a health tracking app from Apple comes with built-in heart rate monitor, GPS tracker to measure distance and speed during workouts, an accelerometer to track body movement, propriety apps to show calories burned and overall fitness level. Some of the apps that are expected to be in the Apple Watch to help you get those fitness statistics are:
1. Nike+ Running – Featured on Apple Watch, this app will help Apple to gain a huge database of existing Nike+ users. Moreover, the app can connect the Watch to its global community as well as log distance and run duration right on their wrist. This is definitely a bad news for Jawbone Up.

2. Green Kitchen – A great app that Apple has chosen to feature on it’s Watch is Green Kitchen. This app to display a dozen of healthy recipes with step-by-step detailed instruction on how to cook. The app includes a timer to notify you when to take certain i9tems out of the oven.
3. Strava – Another app featured on the Watch is Strava. This app tells you how high you have climbed, your average speed, distance and heart speed.
4. Mayo Clinic Synthesis – Yet another to feature on the Watch is the medical doctor side of management. The app helps physicians to manage their daily schedule and alerts them when a patient is waiting for them. It also provides basic patient information such as age, sex and weight.
5. LifeSum – This app tracks what you are eating and drinking throughout the day and then to analyze at the end of the day how much of calorie you have consumed. It also provides the right portion size and which foods to avoid.
6. Runtastic – The app is to track runs using GPS, Runtastic Six Pack and Runtastic Butt Trainer. An avatar on the watch is to demonstrate the right way to do exercise.
Trimmer You Boot Camp
Trimmeryoubootcamp is a popular boot camp in UK and Spain. These boot camps in the two (2) regions of UK and Spain will train anyone to have a physique that they have dreamed for years. These trainings are performed on various levels and are being trained by various professionals. One can opt for this course even if they are already doing exercise because Trimmeryoubootcamp is not just any exercise. It trains people in military style and includes a dietary chart for them to follow so that they can maintain their fitness and health even after their course id done.
So, are you thinking of joining this course? Forget about all of your flimsy thoughts and give it a try. You will never forget the experience in your Lifetime. The surrounding, the hospitality, the amenities, the training and all that, that is required to make a perfect body for you is just a call away. Do call Trimmeryoubootcamp now and stay fit forever.

Boot camp fitness retreats are perfect for kick starting weight loss

There is a famous proverb that health is wealth. This is a true statement and without proper physical health a successful professional life cannot be imagine. Physical fitness is necessary to lead an undisrupted life. Problems such as joint pain, hyper tension, obesity, diabetics and physical weakness can happen at any age. Exercises are always beneficial for your health. They reduce the risk of diseases and promote weight management. They also bring down the level of stress, perk up mood and lift self esteem. But you always need enough time to exercise and a few days gap from your work if spend doing proper workout will allow you to perk up your physical and mental health.

What is fitness holiday?
The hectic work pressure, house hold jobs hardly allows us to have time for exercises. On the other hand inactivity often makes you feel lethargic, stressed and even makes you feel older.  But you are clueless about the remedy. Sometime spending few hours in the gym does not give fruitful result. Under all these circumstances you should consider a fitness holiday. It is always essential to take such a vacation once in a year make yourself fit and healthy. The fitness holiday is a better alternative than going for daily workout in gym which seems mundane and boring at times. Firstly you can enjoy the beauty of the open environment. You have the luxury of participating in intense fitness activities outdoors. The workouts are of diverse kind than what you will find in a gym. Recent research have revealed that fitness holidays produce better results than daily workouts on your treadmill in terms of decrease of body fat, weight reduction and improved muscle mass.

Enjoy your fitness holiday by joining a boot camp
Boot camp makes your fitness holiday most exciting. A normal holiday accompanied by boot camp workout program has a drastic effect on your life style. Duration of a boot camp workout extends from seven to fifteen days and this fitness period start make you body look attractive form outside as well as inside. You feel motivated by comparing your performance with your companion in the same camp. So boot camp holidays will definitely breathe a life into you and you will be able to perform your daily task with a greater dedication, focus and energy once you return to your daily life.
Trimmer you fitness boot camp at Spain offers an environment to enjoy your vacation and get fit at the same time. It is a very affordable friendly boot camp that allows parents to train in a fitness group. With proper guidance from the instructor you will come away from a fitness retreat feeling invigorated and healthy and hopefully fitter. The fitness holidays in Trimmer you provide an overall increase in fitness, performance and health. 
To know more about the Fitness retreat visits our website which explains the easy process of knowing the fitness retreat.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Things you should know before you join a boot camp

If you have decided to join a boot camp then you have taken a very good decision for your health and mind. But you should be totally prepared to join a fitness camp. A boot camp program consists of intensive exercises that will allow you to sweat profusely within first five minutes of the class. So the program is challenging. But you consider few aspects that will not make you feel weak and your body should not give up. 

Hydrate yourself before the session- Water plays a vital role in the entire session. Bring water and any other sports drink to the class but it is very difficult to move around when your belly is full of liquid. So hydrate yourself few hours before you start your exercise.

Start your class with a positive attitude- The boot camp workouts are always challenging but do not lose strength and attitude. Always motivate yourself and perform to your level best. Keep yourself calm when your heart is racing and muscles are burning. Just keep yourself relax and laugh to release the tension.
Concentration is the key to success- Concentration is very much necessary in the fitness session. It is very much necessary that you follow the instructor and understand how much you have to push yourself and when you have to stop. Focus your attention on the instructor and you will distract yourself from the pain.
Remember your breath and your abs- Breathe through tough exercises, and simultaneously, be sure to contract your abs to protect your back. Initially you may feel the discomfort but gradually with practice you can train your body to breathe deeper while your abs are engaged.

Try to stay upfront- Try to stay first in every activity you perform. It is fine if you cannot place yourself first always but take initiative to stand in the relay race line; stand in the front of the room; and run towards the front of the jog line. Being last will make you lethargic and you may not perform your level best.
Do not stop yourself- Do not stop yourself until you perform your level best. Muscle pain or muscle soreness usually gets you down, challenge yourself to move around rather than take mini breaks. Generally the boot camp instructor motivates to perform exercises to prevent muscle soreness. This will also encourage you to perform best in the fat loss camp.

Load up on electrolytes after class. Intense workouts and sweating causes you to lose essential vitamins. Be sure to replenish them with a vitamin filled snack.

Hope the above tips will prepare you to start a new journey for the wellness of your health and mind.